职务: 无
研究领域: 智能控制,多变量约束控制
教授课程: 离散数学、概率论与数理统计、计算机网络
1. Wenjuan Wu, Haitao Liu. Semi-global stabilization of discrete-time linear systems with unsymmetrical saturation[J], ISA Transactions, 2019, 92:134-144.(SCI)
2. Haitao Liu,WenjuanWu, JianguoWu,Dynamic non-local stress analysis of two collinear semi-permeable mode-I cracks in a piezoelectric medium[J], Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,2019, 30(20) 3100–3112. (SCI)
3. Wenjuan Wu. Global Stabilization of the Discrete Linear System with State Saturation and Parameter uncertainties [C]// Proceedings of the 37th Chinese Control Conference July 25-27, 2018, Wuhan, China.1244-1248.(EI)
4. Haitao Liu, Wenjuan Wu, Jianguo Wu, Dynamic non-local theory stress analysis of two equal and collinear mode-I cracks in the orthotropic medium[J], Z Angew Math Mech. 2018;98:1686–1698. (SCI)
5. Wenjuan Wu, Guangren Duan, Feng Tan. Switching Signal Design for Asymptotic Stability of Uncertain Multiple Equilibrium Switched Systems with Actuator Saturation [J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2016, 26(8): 1705-1717. (SCI)
6. Wenjuan Wu, Guangren Duan. Gain Scheduled Control of Linear Systems with Unsymmetrical Saturation Actuators[J]. International Journal of Systems Science, 2016, 47(15): 3711-3719. (SCI)
7. Wenjuan Wu, Guangren Duan. Gain-scheduled Control of Switched Systems subject to Actuator Saturation [J]. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2016, 38(2): 223-231. (SCI)
8. Wen-Juan Wu, Guang-Ren Duan. Tracking Control of Overactuated Systems with Actuator Fault [J]. Int. J. of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, 2015, 5(2): 112-120. (EI) 9. Haitao Liu, Zhengong Zhou, Linzhi Wu, Wenjuan Wu. Non-local theory solution to a rectangular crack in a 3D infinite orthotropic elastic medium [J]. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2015, 58: 207-219. (SCI) |
10. Wenjuan Wu, Guangren Duan, Mingzhe Hou, Feng Tan. Gain scheduled control design for linear systems with saturating actuators and input-additive uncertainties [C]. Proceedings of the 34th Chinese Control Conference, July 28-30, 2015, 88 - 93, Hangzhou, China. (EI) |
专利: |
[1] 段广仁,吴文娟,谭峰,周彬,梁晓玲. 一类多平衡点饱和切换系统的离散增益调度控制器设计方法及实现BTT导弹控制的方法[P].专利号:201410418611.8 (已授权)
[2] 段广仁,侯明哲,谭峰,吴文娟,章智凯. 考虑攻角约束的高超声速飞行器俯仰通道姿态控制方法[P].专利号:201410403999.4 (已授权)
[3] 段广仁,梁晓玲,侯明哲,谭峰,吴文娟. 一种用于高超声速飞行器考核的仿真测试平台及控制方法[P].专利号:201410443071.9. (已授权)